Got Game?
Throughout the week, different groups meet to play all sorts of different games together. Below is a list of current groups.
Andover Card Sharks and
Coffee Hour

A small group of devoted card players meet from 10-11 AM for friendly games of cards. The games vary, depending on who's there. Open to anyone interested. It's also a general Coffee Hour, following the regular twice-weekly Bone Builders class, and folks are welcome to drop in for coffee, conversation, to work on a jigsaw puzzle or use the Hub's internet.
Mondays and Thursdays, 10-11 AM
Mah Jongg

This informal group gathers Tues. mornings, 10 AM - 12 noon to play American Mah Jongg -- a fun game of skill, strategy and luck based on the ancient Chinese game played with tiles. Participation varies from week to week and newcomers are always welcome. It's assumed players know the basics of Mah Jongg but skill levels may vary and participants learn from each other. The group is free although small contributions to The Hub to help keep the lights on are always appreciated.
For more information, email
Tuesdays, 10-12am.

For an easygoing and sociable couple of hours, you're welcome to join the informal weekly Bingo game organized by Barbara Wiggin, who is also the caller. Anyone is welcome to drop in. Each participant puts $5 in the pot (preferably $1 bills) at the beginning; the pot will be divided between the winners of each round at the end of play. Ten rounds will be played. A small donation to The Hub is also appreciated and helps keep the heat and lights on.
Tuesdays, 2-4 PM
Board Game Club

An evening opportunity to play modern board games such as Catan, Ticket to Ride, or Everdell meets every other Wednesday at 7 pm. Andover resident Abel Broughton is the organizer, and the group is open to all who would like to play, whether on a drop-in or regular basis.
You can contact Abel at for further details or with questions.
Every other Wednesday, 7-9 PM
Chess Club Anyone?

The Hub hosted a chess club for a while last year, long enough that we learned there's definitely community interest in chess. We'd love to have someone step forward to get that going again. Let us know if you have an interest in chess -- or in other kinds of games you'd like to share with the community. Whether Chess or Cards, RPG or Strategy, we're happy to host regular gaming events here at the Hub. Contact